Learn Excel Fast

by affordablebizapps.ie


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Learn Excel Fast- Video based course with workbook to download and activities to complete- Access to an online community of Excel users- Access to new Excel post, tips, Tricks and Tutorials- Join over 16,000 others that have learned Excel with The Excel Club
Course Overview
We will begin this course by introducing you to Excel, where you will learn the very basics. We will introduce you to a workbook and the ribbons, and you will learn how to select, enter and delete data.
In section 2 we will move into the very basics of bookkeeping, we will introduce you to the day books that you should keep and we will identify key details that you should record in these day-books. These day-books, prepared in Excel, are available for download, and we will use them in the rest of this course.
In section 3 - Working with data, you will learn how insert, remove and merge cells, rows and columns. We will also look at find and replace, hide and un-hide and Special paste. After this we will move on to entering basic formula and some formatting.
Section 4 of this course - Organizing and sorting data, will give you the opportunity to organize the day-books using tables, filters, names and data validation
Finally in section 5 - Analyzing data you will be introduced to Excels recommended charts and recommended pivot tables.